Tag Archives: responsible investing

Chris Martenson: Dow Obsession Syndrome

The Dow Jones Industrial Average. What does this omnipresent ticker in the corner of our TV screens really mean? Is it a gauge of our country’s economic health, an indication of corporate growth, or something else? This week on Sea Change Radio, we discuss the Dow and the stock market as a whole with economic researcher Chris Martenson. The co-founder of Peak Prosperity, Martenson talks about how our obsession with the Dow helps the investor class, describes the economic indicators that environmentalists should be looking at, and weighs in on whether it’s OK to root for the Dow to go down.

Returns on Trash and Treasure

DaleWannenGailLoosToday on Sea Change Radio we talk with two people working on very different fronts of the environmental movement. Our first guest is Dale Wannen, a Presidio Graduate School alum who runs a sustainable and responsible investment firm. We learn about the latest in sustainable and responsible investing (or SRI), including whether or not the small investor stands a chance in the age of flash trading. He also explains how owning just a small amount of stock allows an investor to influence a corporation’s sustainability practices, creating a return that is both monetary and socially beneficial.

Then, host Alex Wise talks to composting expert Gail Loos. She tells us about the growing trend among municipalities to encourage composting through curbside pick-up programs. She also describes how to get a return on your biodegradable garbage, in the form of nutrient-rich soil, even if your city is not yet composting.

The State of Socially Responsible Investing in The States

A couple of months ago here at Sea Change Radio we discussed socially responsible investing, or SRI, from a global perspective with South African financial expert Graham Sinclair. This week, we take a look at the American SRI movement. Host Alex Wise speaks with industry pioneer Jerome Dodson the founder of both Parnassus Investments and Working Assets along with Aaron Winer, a Bay Area investment advisor who specializes in finding his clients socially responsible investment vehicles. We discuss the roots of the SRI industry, some of the innovations taking place today and how the new political reality of American democracy in the Citizens United era is changing how we all should view the companies we invest in and support.

Investing in Sustainability

nickrobinscarykrosinskyToday, Sea Change Radio talks with Nick Robins of HSBC and Cary Krosinsky of Trucost about their book, Sustainable Investing.  We also visit the Responsible Investing Forum, produced in association with the Social Investment Forum, where we speak with Tim Smith of Walden Asset Management about shareowner activism and hear the excerpts from the keynote of John Ruggie, the UN Special Representative on Business and Human Rights.

Read the show transcript