How the Rich Are Destroying the Earth

Herve Kempf
Herve Kempf

[amazon-product align=”right”]1900322412[/amazon-product]While some view the negative impacts of economics and environment as separate, Herve Kempf sees financial inequality and environmental destruction as inextricably linked. The author of [amazon-product text=”How the Rich Are Destroying the Earth” type=”text”]1900322412[/amazon-product], Kempf explains how the wealthy of the world are living unsustainable lifestyles, and everyone else is trashing the earth too trying to keep up with the rich Joneses. The solution? Move away from materialism and growth.

CWR News Analysis — The Greening of Wal-Mart?:

CSRwire: “Wal-Mart Celebrates Thanksgiving by Sourcing Local Food, Supporting Hunger-Relief, and Buying Wind Power”
GreenBiz: “Wal-Mart’s New CEO: What Does it Mean for Green?”
The Green Wave Marches On: Wal-Mart in China
Grist: “Wal-Mart Comes to the Farmers Market”
Press Release: “Walmart Gives Consumers Opportunity To Support Local Economies Through Locally Grown Program”
Cornucopia Institute: Wal-Mart Organics: Market Expansion or Market Delusion?
Press Release: “Wal-Mart Makes Major Commitment to Renewable Wind Power”
Wal-Mart Carbon Disclosure Project Response, 2007
Lee Scott Message in Wal-Mart Sustainability Progress report, 2007

CWR ViewPoint:

Jonathan Weil
Jonathan Weil

Bloomberg Columnist Jonathan Weil, the first journalist to expose Enron’s cooked books in 2001, recently criticized President-Elect Barack Obama’s appointments to the Transition Economic Advisory Board, pointing out that almost half hail from companies that fried their financial statements or fueled the market meltdown — or both. CWR Co-hosts Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon chat with Weil about his critique.

“Obama’s Bailout Bunch Brings Us More of the Same”

“Rubinomics Recalculated”

About Bill Baue

Bill Baue is Co-Director of Sea Change Media, a non-profit that makes connections in the shift to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. He co-hosts/produces Sea Change Radio, a nationally syndicated show that podcasts globally.