The Transition — to Sustainability

Hunter Lovins
Hunter Lovins
Charlie Cray
Charlie Cray

Today we talk with Hunter Lovins, founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions, about the Presidential Climate Action Project.  The Sea Change ViewPoint comes from Charlie Cray of the Center for Corporate Policy.

For many people, the election of Barack Obama as the US President stoked hope for big change.  The transition to the Obama Administration brings promise of shifts to government regulations and policies to promote sustainability.  Long before the election, though, a group of influential sustainability leaders gathered to brainstorm recommendations to the incoming President on tackling climate change.  The Presidential Climate Action Project was born, midwived by the University of Colorado School of Public Affairs in Denver.  The P-CAP Advisory Committee hashed out a plan with over a hundred recommendations for the incoming President on climate policy.

new_pcap_coverAdvisory Committee member Hunter Lovins also authored a separate report for P-CAP to map a broader survey of the current sustainability landscape.  Lovins helped pioneer the sustainability movement by co-founding Rocky Mountain Institute in the 80s with Amory Lovins. They also co-authored Natural Capitalism in the late 90s Paul Hawken.  Earlier this decade, she founded Natural Capitalism Solutions.  We caught up with Lovins between commitments in California, where she teaches at the Presidio School of Management.  It’s one of a handful of new MBA programs with sustainability embedded in its DNA.

The Economic Case for Climate Action by Hunter Lovins

Natural Capitalism Solutions

About Bill Baue

Bill Baue is Co-Director of Sea Change Media, a non-profit that makes connections in the shift to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. He co-hosts/produces Sea Change Radio, a nationally syndicated show that podcasts globally.