“How do you make your assets compatible with your theological vision of how things should be. If I own property, it’s in trust. It’s God’s property.” That’s what Paul Neuhauser of the Episcopal Church says in this second episode of The Arc of Change: The ICCR Story, a monthly podcast that Sea Change Media is producing for the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility chronicling ICCR’s near-40-year history.
Neuhauser was a pioneer in using shareholder assets to promote social justice. The movement he helped to found was forged in the crucible of the fight against apartheid in South Africa thirty eight years ago. Neuhauser describes how he drafted the shareholder resolution that indirectly led to the creation of the Sullivan Principles, anti-apartheid workplace standards for companies operating in South Africa. And he was instrumental in forming the coalition of churches that eventually became the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, or ICCR.
Arc of Change Co-Hosts Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon of Sea Change Media caught up with Paul Neuhauser at the ICCR offices overlooking the Hudson River in New York City.
To listen to this interview, visit the Arc of Change site. To read the text of this interview, check out the transcript.