Within Our Grasp: Sharman Apt Russell on Childhood Malnutrition

As Anne Frank wrote in her diary, “hunger is not a problem, it is an obscenity.” This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to author Sharman Apt Russell about her book entitled Within Our Grasp: Childhood Malnutrition Worldwide and the Revolution Taking Place to End It. We look at some of the areas around the globe plagued by hunger, learn how countries like Brazil and Vietnam have made strides in battling childhood malnutrition and examine how health care professionals and food companies are changing the way they try to tackle this obscenity.

One thought on “Within Our Grasp: Sharman Apt Russell on Childhood Malnutrition

  1. There’s a level of information here–in addition to Sharman’s usual insight, patience, and intelligence–that requires listening to this podcast more than once. The distinction between hunger, malnutrition, obesity, and stunting has never been so well explained. Thank you for this interview.

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