Tag Archives: ACES

COP15 Wrap-Up: Climate Deniers, Drowning Islands, and Hope after Copenhagen

cop15_logo_imgSea Change Radio surveys a broad spectrum of opinions and outcomes of the UN Climate Conference (COP15).  We hear excerpts from a press conference there featuring a Republican contingent from the US House of Representatives, a speech by Tuvalu Prime Minister Apisai Ielemia, and an exclusive interview of European Commission Deputy Director-general of Environment Karl Falkenberg by Sea Change Climate Correspondent Cimbria Badenhausen, who covered all 2 weeks of the conference on the ground.Read the show transcript

Big Agriculture: Tipping the Balance of Regulation

tom_philpott We talk with food editor Tom Philpott of Grist.org about the impact of the farm lobby on the climate and food safety legislation. And Lisa Hamilton discusses food policy from the perspective of the small farmer. Her book is [amazon-product text=”Deeply Rooted: Unconventional Farmers in the Age of Agribusiness” type=”text”]1593761805[/amazon-product].Read the show transcript

Adin Maynard on Government Support for Energy Efficiency

AdinMaynardSea Change Co-Host Bill Baue speaks with Adin Maynard, Director of Operations at Cozy Home Performance, about the company’s participation in the Weatherization Assistance Program for low-income homeowners and its move into deep energy retrofits for mid- and upper-income homeowners.  

Read the show transcript