Tag Archives: algae

Jonathan Trent and the OMEGA Project

Nico-Marinexplore-trentJonathanTrentWhen life gives you lemons they say to make lemonade. And what if life gives you sewage released into an enclosed bay, what can you make? Certainly not lemonade, right? Our guest today on Sea Change Radio is NASA scientist and UC Santa Cruz professor, Jonathan Trent. He has figured out how to use algae to turn wastewater pollution into biofuel. This ambitious project, called Offshore Membrane Enclosures for Growing Algae (or OMEGA) not only places algae where it can consume waste and excrete oils for fuel, it also creates spaces for low-impact aquaculture, captures CO2, and cleans pollutants out of bays.

The technology also converts wastewater to drinking water, which, with a little lemon and sugar could even be used to make, you guessed it, lemonade. Listen now as host Alex Wise talks with Dr. Trent, an inventor, pioneer, and visionary whose OMEGA project offers hope for fuel, food, water, and a cleaner world.

John Perry Barlow part II: Algae Fuel

Last week, we spoke with John Perry Barlow, Grateful Dead lyricist, environmentalist and co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation about being a good ancestor for future generations. This week on Sea Change Radio, the second part of Alex Wise‘s discussion with Mr. Barlow to learn more about his most recent project – an advanced bio-fuel startup known as Algae Systems.