Tag Archives: Biomass

Turning Biomass into Butanol and Grease into Biofuel

Sea Change Radio West Coast Correspondent Alex Wise speaks with Rick Wilson, CEO of Cobalt Technologies, which has developed a new process to transform woody cellulose into biobutanol, and Karri Ving, Biofuel Coordinator for SFGreasecycle, which diverts fryer oil from being dumped in San Francisco’s sewers to turn it into biofuels that power the city’s entire diesel fleet.

A Summer of Sea Change Radio

Labor Day’s come and gone, and the leaves are starting to turn color here in New England, so we at Sea Change are highlighting some of our summer programming.  We focused a lot on sustainable agriculture, economic alternativesgreen jobs, and the climate crisis.  Check out some of our summer shows below.

Read the show transcript

Biomass — or Biomess? A Debate

BobSaulChris Matera photo 2Are wood-burning biomass power plants a climate solution — or scourge?  To explore the pros and cons of biomass, Sea Change Radio Co-Host Francesca Rheannon hosted a debate between Bob Saul, head of domestic land acquisition with GMO Renewable Resources, and Chris Matera, founder of Massachusetts Forest Watch.

Read the show transcript