Tag Archives: bob marshall

Troubled Coastlines From Louisiana To Maine, Pt. II

Bob mug shot, fishingLast week on Sea Change Radio, we spoke with Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Bob Marshall about Louisiana’s shrinking coastline. And this week we continue to talk about coastlines. First, in the second part of our discussion with Bob Marshall, we focus on the massive undertaking of reversing a century and a half of policies that have left the Mississippi River Delta region battered.Read the show transcript

Bob Marshall: Louisiana Encroachment, Pt. I

BobMarshall2With so much focus on the BP oil spill and the havoc it has wrought on the Gulf Coast, it’s easy to overlook the broader, more long-term environmental dilemma that serves as the backdrop for that catastrophe: Louisiana’s coastline is shrinking at an alarming rate. This week on Sea Change Radio, we welcome Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Bob Marshall of the New Orleans-based The Lens. Read the show transcript