Tag Archives: calvert

Ceres Conference Preview: Lester Snow and Bennett Freeman

BennettFreemanLesterSnowThe Ceres Conference is an annual gathering where organizations as different as the Sierra Club and Shell come together to discuss ways to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world. On the eve of the conference which takes place May 1st and 2nd in San Francisco this year, we thought it would be worthwhile to get a sneak peek at some of the Ceres speakers.

This week on Sea Change Radio, we hear from two Ceres speakers. First, we are joined by Lester Snow, the executive director of the California Water Foundation. He gives us an overview of some compelling water issues concerning the American West. Then, host Alex Wise speaks to Bennett Freeman of Calvert Investments, an investment company that has been on the forefront of the socially responsible investment movement since the 1980s.

Mining for Disclosure


The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, or EITI, is the focus of today’s show.  First, we hear from Bennett Freeman, who serves on the EITI board.  Then, we hear from Arvind Ganesan of Human Rights Watch, who shares some concerns about EITI with Sea Change Radio Co-Host Bill Baue.

Read the show transcript

Hazel Henderson on the Post-Wall Street Shift from a Global Casino to a Sustainable Economy


You could see the global market meltdown coming a mile away, according to futurist Hazel Henderson of Ethical Markets. She’s been identifying fatal flaws in the global economy, and sustainable alternatives, for three decades. Her most recent commentary on CSRwire critiques the “fractional reserve banking system,” which allows banks to lend 10 times the amount of money they actually have in reserves. In other words, money for nothing. Today, CWR co-hosts Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon speak with Henderson about using the financial crisis as an opportunity to shift to a more sustainable economy.

Hazel Henderson

Ethical Markets

Hazel Henderson Commentary: “And We All Thought That Banks Had Money!”

Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators

American Monetary Institute

CWR Headlines:

Media Gang Up on Prospects for a Green Economy
New Report Says Political Will for Dealing with Climate Change Will Grow
Obama Promises to Classify CO2 as a Pollutant if Elected

Mark Fulton

Listen to the extended interview with Mark Fulton, Global Head of Climate Change Investment Research for Deutsche Asset Management

Designing the Future of the Corporation

Marjorie KellyAllen White and Marjorie Kelly discuss the upcoming Summit on the Future of the Corporation that the organization they founded, Corporation 2020, is hosting in Boston on November 13 and 14, 2007. The Summit gathers thought leaders from business, civil society, labor, government, and academia to discuss and plan new corporate structures designed for social, environmental, and financial sustainability.

This conversation, co-hosted by Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon, follows up on CWR’s two-part interview with Allen and Marjorie in June 2006, and also touches on the question of whether legal regulation is the best means of promoting corporate change first addressed on CWR when we spoke with Terry Mollner, a Ben & Jerry’s boardmember and a founding boardmember of Calvert Social Investment Funds.

Summit on the Future of the Corporation

Corporation 2020

June 5, 2006 edition of CWR: Redesigning the Corporation

June 21, 2006 edition of CWR: Redesigning the Corporation Part II

October 28, 2006 edition of CWR: Corporations Need to Grow Up

Corporations Need to Grow Up

Terry-MollnerMany of today’s corporations behave like irresponsible teenagers, according to Terry Mollner, a founder of Calvert Funds and Board member of Ben and Jerry’s. Mollner discusses his ideas about maturing the corporation to make the good of society a priority. He also discusses the behind the scenes story of the Ben & Jerry’s buyout, and the need for a broader strategy to retain corporate social responsibility in the face of buyouts and mergers.

Saving the Toxics Release Inventory

jimboyceThe Environmental Protection Agency has proposed major changes to dilute the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), which makes information on the harmful pollution companies release into the air publicly available. Joining us in the studio is Jim Boyce, director of environmental programs at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) of the University of Massachusetts, which has just published its annual “Toxic 100” list ranking the corporations emitting the most toxic pollution.

Joining us on the phone is Julie Gorte, vice president and chief social investment strategist at Calvert, who is active in a campaign opposing the EPA’s proposed gutting of TRI.

OMB Watch TRI Resource Center

Toxic 100

Business & Human Rights Resource Center

EPA Tries to Pull a Disappearing Act on the Toxics Release Inventory

Toxic 100 Uses Enhanced Toxics Release Inventory Data to List Top Corporate Polluters

Listmania! Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Lists Drive Improved Performance