Tag Archives: chris landry

2 Clicks to Help Sea Change Combat Climate Crisis

grnmtnclimatecontestgrnmtncoffeelogoPlease take 3 minutes to support Sea Change Radio in the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Changing Climate Change Contest.

The award:  A $200,000 grant over 5 years.

Our proposal: It’s Happening Here: Climate Change Dispatches from Local Communities (click to vote for us — deadline is March 21!)

We’re partnering with OurRenewableNation, a “cross-country eco-video adventure” — Colin McCullough and his family, including Carrick, who’s been nominated for a Presidential Environmental Youth Award.  They will be interviewing experts and everyday people alike on location in regions across the country, seeking their ideas and opinions about building the grassroots political will needed to combat the climate crisis.

We’re also exploring an exciting idea for reaching out globally, to get ideas and opinions in the areas most vulnerable to a climate catastrophe.

“The overall results of the comments and views expressed on JustMeans will be taken into account, along with other posted criteria, in selecting finalists,” say the contest organizers, so please add your comments and send us cool ideas!

Also, please consider supporting our good friends Chris Landry and Kristen Chamberlin, who are producing the film The Great Turning on the work of Joanna Macy that has been popularized by David Korten.  They are in a different category, so a vote for their proposal doesn’t compete against ours.

Green Drinks and Disposable Americans

Every month all over the globe, people interested in the environment and sustainability get together for “Green Drinks” to schmooze and network. Today on CWR, hosts Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon go to their local Green Drinks gathering at the Northampton Brewery in Northampton, Massachusetts. There, they talk with John Meyercak of the Center for Ecological Technology, based in Northampton, about CET projects like ReStore, which sells second-hand building materials.

Chris Landry
Chris Landry
Then Chris Landry of the Sustainability Institute in Hartland, Vermont talks about balancing the need to support small farmers in developing nations with fair trade while also fostering living local economies in developed nations. We also hear about the Sustainability Institute’s “Climate Bathtub”.

Also, Francesca Rheannon talks with award-winning business journalist for the New York Times, Louis Uchitelle about his book The Disposable American: Layoffs and Their Consequences. It was published in 2006, but with the US facing what could be a long recession, followed by what some experts think might be a “jobless recovery”, The Disposable American is as relevant today as it was when it was published. We talk about how layoffs devastate workers and communities — and also how they hurt businesses.

Green Drinks

Center for Ecological Technology


Sustainability Institute

Climate Bathtub Simulator

The Disposable American