Tag Archives: citigroup

ViewPoint: John Harrington Seeks Economic Security from TARP Banks


Late last year, Harrington Investments President John Harrington filed shareholder resolutions at banks that received billions of taxpayer dollars under the Trouble Asset Relief Program.  Congress bailed out the banks because they are essential to the stability of our economy, so the resolutions ask for board committees to oversee US Economic Security.  Ironically, Citigroup and Bank of America have petitioned the SEC for permission to ignore the resolutions.Read the show transcript

Shareowner Activism Promotes Peace in Israel and Palestine

Cecilie-SuraskyCecilie Surasky of Jewish Voice for Peace and Michael Passoff of the As You Sow Foundation discuss the shareowner resolution they filed with Caterpillar over the Israeli Defense Forces’ use of their bulldozers to commit human rights abuses in the occupied territories. Bill Somplatsky-Jarman of the Presbyterian Church USA discusses how its Mission Responsibility Through Investment committee is engaging Caterpillar, Citigroup, Motorolla, United Technologies, and ITT to promote peaceful solutions to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

SocialFunds article: Semantics and Semitics: Presbyterian Church Investment to Focus on Israeli-Palestinian Peace

SocialFunds article: Caterpillar Bulldozes Shareowner Concern Over Aiding Alleged Israeli War Crimes

SocialFunds article: To Divest or Not to Divest: Ethical Considerations of Addressing the Israel-Palestine Conflict

SocialFunds article: Addressing the Israel-Palestine Conflict Through Shareowner Action and Selective Divestment