Tag Archives: corporate accountability

Vapor Trails: A Novel Take on Climate Change


“There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are afraid, and those who are alive.”  That’s the wisdom of Diana Mars, a character in Vapor Trails, the new eco-thriller by Roger Saillant about an oil company, carbon capture, and climate change.  Sea Change Radio Host Bill Baue has a wide-ranging conversation with Saillant at the Marlboro Sustainability MBA in Vermont, where they both teach. And Tania Haldar Hart delivers this week’s Sea Change News Analysis, which draws on research by Sarah Perry, a student in Saillant’s climate class.

Read the show transcript

Home, Home on the Web: Advancing Business & Human Rights in the Digital World


By Bill Baue of Sea Change Media

The United Nations’ 2005 appointment of Harvard Professor John Ruggie as Special Representative on Business and Human Rights shone a spotlight on the often adverse — and until then under-acknowledged — impact of corporations on human rights.  The UN gave its imprimatur, but no budget, making Prof. Ruggie’s staggering compendium of accomplishments over the past four years all the more impressive.  Invisible behind the research, stakeholder engagement, and public appearances is constant fundraising — and time stolen from his day job and family — to support his vital work.

Read the show transcript

The Business of Water


Sea Change Host Francesca Rheannon brings us the Sea Change News Analysis examining the sustainability of water as a business proposition.  The News Analysis draws on content from the CSRwire.com News Alert by Sea Change Host Bill Baue.  For information not included in this version, check out the post on CSRwire.com.

Read the show transcript

ViewPoint: John Harrington Seeks Economic Security from TARP Banks


Late last year, Harrington Investments President John Harrington filed shareholder resolutions at banks that received billions of taxpayer dollars under the Trouble Asset Relief Program.  Congress bailed out the banks because they are essential to the stability of our economy, so the resolutions ask for board committees to oversee US Economic Security.  Ironically, Citigroup and Bank of America have petitioned the SEC for permission to ignore the resolutions.Read the show transcript

ViewPoint — Transition Brings Opportunity for Corporate Campaigners

Charlie Cray
Charlie Cray

Charlie Cray of the Center for Corporate Policy gives his take on the opportunities — and dangers — of the transition to the Obama Administration. Read the show transcript

The New Congress and the Contract with Corporate America

The new Congress faces a full agenda on the Iraq war and corruption in the Bush administration. Where do issues of corporate accountability fit in? We talk in depth with two Washington, DC area activists and researchers about CEO pay, expansion of Enron-era reforms against corporate crime, and the outsourcing of American jobs.

Our guests are Phil Mattera and Charlie Cray, coauthors of the provocative proposal, “A Contract with Corporate America.”

Contract with Corporate America

Center for Corporate Policy

Corporate Research Project