Tag Archives: corporate structure

ViewPoint: Corporate Reform -The Bigger Picture

aroncramerCorporation 20/20, an organization promoting alternative corporate structures, just announced the Second Summit on the Future of the Corporation, slated for this June in Boston.  Discussion amongst those who attended the first Summit in November 2007 was abuzz about the future of boards of directors. In the broader press, fingers are pointing, primarily at the banking industry as the culprit and at outrageous executive pay.  As accurate as these points may be, the troubles run deeper and wider, according to  Aron Cramer.  He’s CEO of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), a  global nonprofit network of businesses focused on sustainability, and he’s on the convening committee for the Future of the Corporation Summit.  In this week’s Sea Change ViewPoint, Cramer calls for more structural reforms.

Read the show transcript

More Views from the Summit–on the Future of the Corporation

Arie de GeusCorporate Watchdog Radio co-hosts Francesca Rheannon and Bill Baue attended the Summit on the Future of the Corporation in mid-November in Boston, a gathering to consider a fundamental re-design to integrate sustainability into the corporate structure. There, Rheannon interviewed two prominent thought-leaders: Arie de Geus, a former Shell executive and orignator of the “Learning Organization” concept, and Damon Silvers, General Counsel for the AFL-CIO. Rheannon speaks briefly with de Geus about human capital in business. Then she talks with Silvers at length about the labor movement’s role in creating a more sustainable business model. This is the last in CWR’s extended coverage of the Summit on the Future of the Corporation.

Summit on the Future of the Corporation

Arie de Geus


Views from the Summit – on the Future of the Corporation

John ElkingtonCorporate Watchdog Radio co-hosts Francesca Rheannon and Bill Baue attended the Summit on the Future of the Corporation in mid-November in Boston, a gathering to consider a fundamental re-design to integrate sustainability into the corporate structure. There, Rheannon interviewed two prominent thought-leaders: Michael Marx of Corporate Ethics International and the Business Ethics Network, and John Elkington of SustainAbility, who’s been called the dean of the corporate responsibility movement. Rheannon speaks with Marx about how NGOs are winning battles but losing the war when it comes to changing corporate behavior. NGOs and advocacy organizations can better motivate corporations to be more sustainable by re-framing economic issues within a moral context, Marx contends. Elkington flips this formula on its head, and advocates for going beyond moral suasion to showing companies how their economic self-interest coincides with sustainability.

This show continues CWR’s series which also includes interviews with Summit organizers Allen White, Majorie Kelly, Peter Senge, and Joe Laur.

Summit on the Future of the Corporation

Corporate Ethics International

Business Ethics Network



Designing the Future of the Corporation

Marjorie KellyAllen White and Marjorie Kelly discuss the upcoming Summit on the Future of the Corporation that the organization they founded, Corporation 2020, is hosting in Boston on November 13 and 14, 2007. The Summit gathers thought leaders from business, civil society, labor, government, and academia to discuss and plan new corporate structures designed for social, environmental, and financial sustainability.

This conversation, co-hosted by Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon, follows up on CWR’s two-part interview with Allen and Marjorie in June 2006, and also touches on the question of whether legal regulation is the best means of promoting corporate change first addressed on CWR when we spoke with Terry Mollner, a Ben & Jerry’s boardmember and a founding boardmember of Calvert Social Investment Funds.

Summit on the Future of the Corporation

Corporation 2020

June 5, 2006 edition of CWR: Redesigning the Corporation

June 21, 2006 edition of CWR: Redesigning the Corporation Part II

October 28, 2006 edition of CWR: Corporations Need to Grow Up