Tag Archives: diane wilson

Christmas for Corporations

diane_teeEvery day looks a lot like Christmas for corporations looking for subsidy handouts from local governments. Author and activist Greg Leroy describes the “Great American Jobs Scam” in which corporations seek subsidies from state and local governments, giving little in return.

Then, an update on the saga of fisher woman Diane Wilson. She’s recently been arrested at a Tom Delay fundraiser and sent to jail for at least four months. Her crime: calling attention to Dow Chemical’s responsibility for cleaning up the enormous environmental,health and economic mess its subsidiary Union Carbide has left behind in Bhopal, India.

Finally, a holiday reflection from Dr. Jody, in the Corner Office at Corporate Watchdog Radio.

Links, References

Book: The Great American Jobs Scam

Addresses for Potential Holiday Correspondence
regarding Bhopal and Diane Wilson

Dow Chemical CEO
Andrew Liveris
Dow Chemical
2030 Dow Center
Midland, MI 48674

Political Prisoner Diane Wilson

Sylvia Dianne Wilson (CR# 65510)
Victoria County Jail (Calhoun County inmate)
101 North Glass
Victoria, TX 77901

Note: All mail to Diane Wilson
is read by prison security.

21 Years After the Bhopal Chemical Disaster

21 years after the Bhopal chemical disaster of Dec. 3, 1984 at a Union Carbide pesticide plant in India, justice has never been served. Though the diisaster caused the death of more than 20,000 people, Union Carbide has never stood trial for manslaughter. The suffering of hundreds of thousands of survivors continues without relief. We hear the perspectives of a Bhopal resident, US college students, US investors, and grassroots leaders. Guests include: Sathyu Sarangi, Lois Gibbs, Gary Cohen, Diane Wilson and Jayanthi Reddy.

This program is offered to broadcasters throughout the world. Please feel free to download and broadcast for noncommercial stations – and please let us know if you do! Commercial licensing also available.

More information:

Students For Bhopal


Environmental Fugitives – Diane Wilson and Warren Anderson

bannerontowerAn audio log of fugitive Diane Wilson’s quest to find fugitive Warren Anderson and “talk some sense into him.”

Diane Wilson and Warren Anderson are both fugitives. Fisherwoman Diane Wilson has been charged with criminal trespass for hanging a banner at a Dow Chemical/Union Carbide facility that said “Dow – Responsible for Bhopal”. She received a six month jail sentence for that, which she is due to serve.

Warren Anderson was the CEO of Union Carbide back in 1984 when the Carbide plant in India spewed toxic gases into the surrounding community and killed more than 20,000 people. He visited Bhopal shortly after the incident, and agreed to return for any legal proceedings. After leaving, he was charged, along with Union Carbide, with manslaughter for those thousands of deaths. However, Anderson and Carbide have refused to return to India to face trial. In the eyes of the Indian courts, they are fugitives from the law.

Wilson has pulled a similar maneuver to Anderson’s. For now, she has refused to return to Texas to serve her sentence. Instead, on November 15 she began a search for Warren Anderson – to discuss their common fate, and to “try to talk some sense into him.”

More Information on Dow Chemical and Bhopal

Note to News Media: You are encouraged to broadcast this interview in whole or in part, or to link to this webpage from your site. Please credit Corporate Watchdog Media, and contact us if you would like a higher quality feed.

101029Diane Wilson autobiography: An Unreasonable Woman, Chelsea Green Press, 2005.

Also see:
Video interview with Diane Wilson
• Documentary on Bhopal – Twenty Years without Justice