Tag Archives: grateful dead lyricist

John Perry Barlow part II: Algae Fuel

Last week, we spoke with John Perry Barlow, Grateful Dead lyricist, environmentalist and co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation about being a good ancestor for future generations. This week on Sea Change Radio, the second part of Alex Wise‘s discussion with Mr. Barlow to learn more about his most recent project – an advanced bio-fuel startup known as Algae Systems.

Sage & Spirit: Talking With John Perry Barlow and Stewart Brand

Where did conservation and America’s conservative movement part ways? Is the flight to the cities in the developing world a positive phenomenon? Has the population bomb been defused? This week on Sea Change Radio, we discuss these topics and more with two iconic sages of the green movement – Grateful Dead lyricist and green entrepreneur, John Perry Barlow along with author, ecologist and former Merry Prankster, Stewart Brand.Read the show transcript