Tag Archives: Lisa Gautier

A Matter of Trust

With the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on everyone’s mind this week, we take a closer look at an innovative approach to cleaning up oil spills. In this extended version of a previous broadcast, Sea Change Radio’s new Executive Producer and host, Alex Wise, speaks with Lisa Gautier, Executive Director of Matter of Trust, which collects hair from barbershops and salons and weaves it into mats to soak up petroleum oil spills.

Then, outgoing Sea Change Host, Bill Baue, and Alex Wise chat about the changing of the guard at Sea Change.

Feeding Soil with Compost Tea and Soaking Up Oil with Hair

Sea Change West Coast Correspondent Alex Wise speaks with Roland Evans, CEO of Organic Bountea, which makes compost tea as a natural alternative to petroleum fertilizers, and Lisa Gautier, Executive Director of Matter of Trust, which collects hair from barbershops and salons and weaves it into mats to soak up petroleum oil spills.