Tag Archives: Obama

Joe Romm Compares Presidential Platforms on Environment and Energy

Joe Romm

We reported last week that Barack Obama will regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act if elected. Not so for John McCain. Today writer and scientist Joseph Romm wrote on his blog Climate Progess, that a McCain-Palin administration would use a voluntary or incentive-based approach, one that “has never worked in any country to restrain emissions growth.” Today, we talk to Joe Romm about how Barack Obama and John McCain differ on their approaches to the climate crisis and alternative energy. Romm is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, where he maintains its blog, Climate Progress. It was named one of the top 15 green websites by Time Magazine. Romm is also the author of the 2006 book Hell and High Water: Global Warming–the Solution and the Politics–and What We Should Do. He was Acting Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy during the Clinton Administration.

Joe Romm

Climate Progress blog

Hell and High Water

CWR Headlines:

BPA is OK — According to a Chemical-Friendly FDA
Scientists Blast FDA report on BPA Safety
Phthalate-Laden Toys Flooding the Market
The Other Debt Crisis — How we’re Overspending Our Ecological Budget

Hazel Henderson on the Post-Wall Street Shift from a Global Casino to a Sustainable Economy


You could see the global market meltdown coming a mile away, according to futurist Hazel Henderson of Ethical Markets. She’s been identifying fatal flaws in the global economy, and sustainable alternatives, for three decades. Her most recent commentary on CSRwire critiques the “fractional reserve banking system,” which allows banks to lend 10 times the amount of money they actually have in reserves. In other words, money for nothing. Today, CWR co-hosts Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon speak with Henderson about using the financial crisis as an opportunity to shift to a more sustainable economy.

Hazel Henderson

Ethical Markets

Hazel Henderson Commentary: “And We All Thought That Banks Had Money!”

Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators

American Monetary Institute

CWR Headlines:

Media Gang Up on Prospects for a Green Economy
New Report Says Political Will for Dealing with Climate Change Will Grow
Obama Promises to Classify CO2 as a Pollutant if Elected

Mark Fulton

Listen to the extended interview with Mark Fulton, Global Head of Climate Change Investment Research for Deutsche Asset Management

Political Will Required to Build a Green Economy

Bracken Hendricks

The Democratic party has shied away from linking clean energy, the economy, and the environment since Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Energy Policy. But the political winds are changing. At Tuesday evening’s Democratic National Convention, almost all of the speakers hit on the theme of green collar jobs. Nancy Floyd of Nth Power noted that there are 2.4 million green collar jobs worldwide — but less than 10 percent are in US. Presumptive Democrat candidate Barack Obama’s platform calls for more than doubling that number to 5 million green collar jobs in the US alone. And he’s framing it as a win-win-win to get us off foreign oil, stop global warming, and create tons of green jobs in the US. This week, we feature the second part of our conversation with Bracken Hendricks, co-author with Congressman Jay Inslee of Apollo’s Fire, and co-founder of the Apollo Alliance. The discussion focuses on the political will required to build a green economy.

Bracken Hendricks

Apollo's Fire

Apollo Alliance

Barack Obama’s New Energy Platform

DNC speech by Nancy Floyd of Nth Power

Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Energy Policy

Green Jobs: Towards Sustainable Work in a Low-Carbon World report by the Worldwatch Institute as part of the UNEP- ILO- ITUC Green Jobs Initiative

Job Opportunities for the Green Economy report from the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

CWR Headlines:

Joe Biden’s Got Environmental Creds
Google.org Pumps Money into Geothermal Energy
Buffett and Gates Visit Tar Sands

Conrad MacKerron

CWR ViewPoint:  read

Conrad MacKerron of the As You Sow Foundation comments on the labor and human rights implications of greening the supply chain.

Prius Envy and the Greening of Wal-Mart: A Blind Spot for the Human Cost