Tag Archives: oil spill

Corporate Carbon: Mike Bellamente + Leigh Fondakowski

MikeBellamenteLeighFondakowskiWhen we talk about corporations trying harder to do the right thing when it comes to the environment, it’s important to remember the consequences of not doing the right thing. Both of our guests this week on Sea Change Radio are trying to shine a light on corporate polluters – but in very different ways. First, we hear from Mike Bellamente, the Executive Director of Climate Counts. We talk about his group’s landmark study tracking the CO2 emissions of one hundred corporations. Then, host Alex Wise speaks with Leigh Fondakowski (the head writer of The Laramie Projectwho recently penned a play about the BP Oil Spill, which, when it comes to the stage this March, should capture the attention of environmentalists and thespians alike.

*Here’s a link to help bring Ms. Fondakowski’s play, SPILL, to a theater near you

Socially Responsible Investment Community Reacts to BP Deepwater Disaster

“Man is not imprisoned by habit. Great changes in him can be wrought by crisis — once that crisis can be recognized and understood.” -author Norman Cousins

Sea Change Radio’s Alex Wise and CEO of Sustainability Risk Advisors, Mark Tulay, examine if there is a silver lining to what many are calling the greatest environmental disaster in history unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. Read the show transcript

A Matter of Trust

With the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on everyone’s mind this week, we take a closer look at an innovative approach to cleaning up oil spills. In this extended version of a previous broadcast, Sea Change Radio’s new Executive Producer and host, Alex Wise, speaks with Lisa Gautier, Executive Director of Matter of Trust, which collects hair from barbershops and salons and weaves it into mats to soak up petroleum oil spills.

Then, outgoing Sea Change Host, Bill Baue, and Alex Wise chat about the changing of the guard at Sea Change.