Tag Archives: oxfam america

Mining for Disclosure


The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, or EITI, is the focus of today’s show.  First, we hear from Bennett Freeman, who serves on the EITI board.  Then, we hear from Arvind Ganesan of Human Rights Watch, who shares some concerns about EITI with Sea Change Radio Co-Host Bill Baue.

Read the show transcript

Blog: Top Corporate Social Responsibility News of 2008

bb1Each January for the past several years, Bill has surveyed the top Corporate Social Responsibility news stories of the past year for CSRwire.com, where he is a contributing writer. Here’s this year’s edition:

A “green” recovery from economic and environmental meltdowns; the advent of Shareholder Activism 2.0 with binding resolutions at TARP banks; CSR adopts Web 2.0 strategies for sustainability reporting; is Wal-Mart really green?; and much more…

The economic meltdown of 2008 mirrors the simultaneous environmental meltdown fueled by the climate calamity – both share common roots, and many in the Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR) community believe they share a common salvation.Read the show transcript