Tag Archives: Robert Weissman

Village to Reinvent the World – Creating a Sustainable Community


Journalist Alan Weisman talks about his book [amazon-product text=”GAVIOTAS: A Village to Reinvent the World” type=”text”]1603580565[/amazon-product], reissued late last year by Chelsea Green Publishing on the 10th anniversary of its first edition.  And in the News Analysis, Rob Weissman of Wall Street Watch talks about its new report, Sold Out: How Wall Street and Washington Betrayed America. And support Sea Change in the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Changing Climate Change Contest by clicking here.  Finally, Sea Change is on Twitter — we’ll tweet you if you tweet us.

Read the show transcript

Washington Sells Out to Wall Street

robweissmanWe’re all watching the dance unfold between Wall Street and DC these days, with a grim fascination. But one organization has formed to put watching into action. It’s called Wall Street Watch, and its a product of several partner organizations, including the Consumer Education Foundation and Essential Actiona corporate accountability group. Co-host Francesca Rheannon spoke with Essential Action Director, Rob Weissman about WSW’s new report,  Sold Out: How Wall Street and Washington Betrayed America.