Tag Archives: sierra club

National Park Service at 100: Wild At Heart

JasonMarkAs we ring in the new year, we should recognize that 2016 marks the centennial of the National Park Service. Today on Sea Change Radio we speak with author and environmentalist Jason Mark about the challenges that the national parks face moving forward. Mark is the editor of Sierra Magazine and author of a new book, Satellites in The High Country, which focuses on the state of wilderness in the U.S. We talk about the hidden wild gems that Mark encountered while researching the book, and discuss how environmental groups like the Sierra Club are approaching the issue of climate change which looms over the entire conservation landscape.

Adam Werbach Part II

AdamWerbach1Our guest today is Adam Werbach who could already have been called an environmental activist when he was just in high school. At the ripe young age of 23 Werbach became the youngest person ever elected as the president of the Sierra Club. Now, nearly two decades later, he is working on Yerdle, a site that seeks to reduce the needless production of stuff by creating an easy way for people to trade the stuff they already have. 

Several years ago he served as a commissioner of the San Francisco Public Utility Commission, and was a pioneer in starting one of the first consulting firms whose focus was to help other organizations become more ecologically responsible and sustainable. Today on Sea Change Radio Werbach talks about his career, the controversies that arose around him when he claimed that environmentalism was dead, and when his company began working with Wal-Mart, and why he feels strongly about the direction his career is taking now. 

Beyond Oil: Michael Marx on Tar Sands and Pipelines

MichaelMarx2113212191_9e8cf0ddef_qMost of the time when we hear about “bureaucratic delays” it is with a sigh and a moan (especially this week when the Federal government is almost completely shut down). But when it comes to the Keystone XL Pipeline, a bureaucratic delay is a welcome reprieve for the activists and environmental groups fighting the controversial plan to build a pipeline that would transport tar sands crude oil from Canada through the US.

This week on Sea Change Radio, host Alex Wise speaks with Michael Marx, the Director of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Oil campaign. They discuss the new economics of tar sands oil, the options for the petroleum industry if the Keystone is blocked, and how the fight over the pipeline has helped to energize groups like his.

Driving Change in What We Drive

For better or for worse, cars are not leaving the American landscape anytime soon. The automobile is woven into the cultural fabric of our country like nothing else. But we also know that the status quo is not sustainable. This week on Sea Change Radio, we discuss efforts by the Sierra Club to advocate for electric vehicles with Gina Coplon-Newfield and then, for a little context, we dip into the Sea Change Radio archives to hear some of host Alex Wise‘s discussion with David Johnson, whose company, Achates Power, is developing a more efficient combustion engine.

Fair Is Fair: Rodney North & Evan Gillespie

Advocates for environmental sustainability would all agree that long-term solutions are going to require changes in consumer behavior. But even the most conscientious consumers sometimes find themselves stumped by confusing labeling and policies that get in the way. Our two guests this week on Sea Change Radio are each trying to make it easier to be a responsible consumer. First we will hear from Rodney North of Equal Exchange, the first organization that promoted socially responsible goods as “fair trade.” He provides the background and discusses some of the controversies around fair trade labeling of goods. Next, host Alex Wise talks with the Sierra Club’s Evan Gillespie, who’s leading a campaign to push for energy reform in California, including a solar bill of rights.

Go To The Beach Soon: Coastal & Surfer Advocate Mark Massara

Sea Change Radio’s Alex Wise speaks with Mark Massara, attorney and long-time activist for the Surfrider Foundation and the Sierra Club, currently serving as VP of Social Responsibility for O’Neill Wetsuits. Mark talks about O’Neill and the challenges  the wetsuit industry faces as it attempts the shift to sustainability. Mark also recalls some of the landmark environmental cases he’s argued  on behalf of surfers and coastal advocacy groups, underscoring the role the courts can play in preserving our oceans and our earth.

Policy and Business Solutions to Global Warming

Andy Hoffman
Andy Hoffman
Two slim guides have recently been published on climate change solutions, one written to CEOs on how business can profit by helping mitigate and adapt to climate change, one addressing what government policies are most promising. CWR co-host Bill Baue speaks with University of Michigan Professor Andy Hoffman, co-author with John Woody of Climate Change: What’s Your Business Strategy?, published May 1 by Harvard Business Press as part of its “Memo to the CEO” series.

Baue also speaks Working Assets Co-Founder Peter Barnes, author of Climate Solutions: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why–A Citizen’s Guide, out recently from Chelsea Green.

Plus, we hear commentary from Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope on the failure of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, even after being ordered to do so by the Supreme Court. Thanks to Sierra Club Radio for this commentary.

Climate Solutions: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why–A Citizen’s Guide by Peter Barnes

Climate Change: What’s Your Business Strategy? by Andy Hoffman and John Woody

Stern Report Underestimated Consequences of Climate Change
Canada Bans Bisphenol-A in Baby Bottles
57 Nations Endorse Report Promoting Shift from Industrial to Small-Scale Local Agriculture

Drinking Water for Sale

Bottled drinking water is an $11 Billion per year US industry, and the withdrawal of water has been referred to as a “Blue gold rush.” With impacts to local water supplies and quality of life looming, citizens groups are challenging the right of corporate water companies such as Nestle to withdraw drinking water from local supplies. In March 2006, Barnstead, New Hampshire, (population 4,800) passed a law banning corporations from mining and selling town water. The law also purports to strip corporations of their constitutional power and authority.

Corporate Watchdog Radio cohost Sanford Lewis interviews Ruth Caplan, chair of Sierra Club’s project on water privatization.

Sierra Club on Water Privatization

Alliance for Democracy on Water Privatization

New Hampshire Town Bans Corporate Water Withdrawals