Tag Archives: toxics release inventory

Justice in the Environment


Jim Boyce of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst talks about the new report, Justice in the Air.  It looks at EPA data showing that the toxins spewing from company smokestacks hit minorities and the poor hardest.  And Leslie Lowe of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility talks about Chevron’s refusal to disclose the $27 billion liability it faces in a court case happening in the Amazonian rainforests of Ecuador.  The company is accused of dumping toxic oil byproducts from years of drilling, damaging the environment and the health of residents.

Read the show transcript

Saving the Toxics Release Inventory

jimboyceThe Environmental Protection Agency has proposed major changes to dilute the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), which makes information on the harmful pollution companies release into the air publicly available. Joining us in the studio is Jim Boyce, director of environmental programs at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) of the University of Massachusetts, which has just published its annual “Toxic 100” list ranking the corporations emitting the most toxic pollution.

Joining us on the phone is Julie Gorte, vice president and chief social investment strategist at Calvert, who is active in a campaign opposing the EPA’s proposed gutting of TRI.

OMB Watch TRI Resource Center

Toxic 100

Business & Human Rights Resource Center

EPA Tries to Pull a Disappearing Act on the Toxics Release Inventory

Toxic 100 Uses Enhanced Toxics Release Inventory Data to List Top Corporate Polluters

Listmania! Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Lists Drive Improved Performance