Tag Archives: us politics

John Stoehr on the 2020 Presidential Election

In a little over 10 weeks, every American citizen will have the opportunity to have their vote counted to either elect a new president or to keep the current president in place. Or that’s what’s supposed to happen in theory, anyway. In reality, the principle of “one person, one vote” is violated in American electoral practices. This week on Sea Change Radio, we talk to political writer John Stoehr of The Editorial Board about the upcoming American presidential election, and about the gross inequities built into the electoral college system. We also discuss whether the goal of unifying the country should take a backseat to advancing truth, justice, and equity. And we contemplate what Donald Trump’s end game is for this election — is he truly driven by a desire to lead the country for four more years, or is he mostly just thinking being president is the best way to stay out of prison?