Tag Archives: Van Jones

Green For All: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins

livestream-logoPhaedraEllisLamkinsPolitical opponents of the green movement have been depressingly successful not only in attacking the facts that underpin the struggle, but in knocking down some of its most eloquent and powerful figures, relegating to the margins what should be a universal concern: a healthy world that can be sustained into the future.

Our guest today on Sea Change Radio is Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, one of those eloquent and powerful figures. In spite of personal attacks from those who would silence her, Ms. Ellis-Lamkins perseveres in the fight to nurture a green economy that helps to empower traditionally disenfranchised communities.

Picking up where Van Jones left off, Ms. Ellis-Lamkins is the chief executive officer of Green for All, which works to promote the green economy through policy advocacy, networking, engagement of the business community, and by mentoring a new generation of environmentalists of color. She talks about the challenges of breaking into a field dominated by white, middle-class men, how issues of urban poverty and the environment are inextricably tied, and what needs to happen to change the “makers and takers” narrative that pits ideological rhetoric against our shared need for global health.

Peter Byck Discusses His Film “Carbon Nation”

PeterByckcarbonnation (1)Filmmaker Peter Byck believes that the issue of preserving the environment is truly non-partisan, that when you strip away all the political rhetoric and carefully-crafted media narratives, we all really want the same thing: clean air, clean water and cheap energy. Byck’s 2010 documentary film, Carbon Nation, which features interviews with luminaries such as Richard Branson and Van Jones, tries to pick up where Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth left off, by focusing on an array of possible solutions to our reliance on carbon fuels and the warming of our planet. This week on Sea Change Radio, host Alex Wise speaks with Peter Byck about his film as they delve into surprisingly simple answers to what often seem like insurmountable problems.

California Election Special: Propositions 19 & 23

This week on Sea Change Radio, our California Election Special. All eyes are trained on the most populous state in the union as it votes on two separate measures with far-reaching environmental implications.

First we’ll explore Prop 19, the ballot measure that would provide for the control and regulation of marijuana – people have heard many of the arguments for legalization, but Sea Change Radio takes a sustainability perspective on the issue and talks with the bill’s sponsor Tom Ammiano and NORML Executive Director, Allen St. Pierre.

Next, Sea Change Radio host Alex Wise speaks with Van Jones, who has been active in the No on 23 campaign. Learn about Prop 23 and why so many in California are trying to stop Texas oil from determining the state’s climate future.

Van Jones: A Conversation With America’s Green Jobs Guru

This week on Sea Change Radio, host Alex Wise speaks with one of the leader’s of a new generation of environmentalists, Van Jones. Jones is the founder of Green For All, an organization that advocates for green-worker training, in addition to two social justice organizations,  the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Color of Change.

The author of  the New York Times Bestseller, The Green Collar Economy, Jones served under President Barack Obama as the Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation , and in 2009 was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. Jones is currently a senior fellow at the Center For American Progress, where he leads their Green Opportunity Initiative and is a visiting fellow at Princeton University.

Sea Change Radio talks with Jones about helping make the green jobs movement relevant for all people, identifying the problems with the process and his thoughts on the tactics of those working against progress.

David Korten on The Great Turning: from Empire to Earth Community


FrancescaRheannonSea Change Co-Host Bill Baue speaks with David Korten about his book, The Great Turning.  It describes how current ecological, social, and economic crises create opportunities to transform from a dominator-based to a community-based model for organizing society.  And Co-Host Francesca Rheannon brings us the Sea Change ViewPoint that digs deeper into the controversy behind Van Jones‘ resignation as Special Advisor on Green Jobs for the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Read the show transcript

ViewPoint: Van Jones–First Victim of Far Right Fight Against Climate Policy?


Co-Host Francesca Rheannon brings us the Sea Change ViewPoint that digs deeper into the controversy behind Van Jones‘ resignation as Special Advisor on Green Jobs for the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Read the show transcript