Tag Archives: View Point

ViewPoint: EFCA – A Human Rights Imperative


In January 2009, Human Rights Watch issued a briefing paper entitled Employee Free Choice Act: A Human Rights Imperative.  The paper details some of the glaring deficiencies in current US labor law that significantly impair the right of workers to freely choose whether to form a union.  It recommends that the US Congress pass the Employee Free Choice Act to help remedy these shortcomings and bring US law closer to international standards. Arvind Ganesan, Director of Business and Human Rights at Human Rights Watch, brings us this week’s ViewPoint.Read the show transcript

ViewPoint: Don Bartlett on a Federal Reserve for Health Care

donaldbarlettThe investigative reporting team of Don Bartlett and Jim Steele has been looking under the hood of issues vital to Americans since 1971. One of these has been health care. Their 2004 book, [amazon-product text=”Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big Business–and Bad Medicine” type=”text”]0767910753[/amazon-product], examined How Health Care in America Became Big Business — and Bad Medicine, as the subtitle of the book goes. One recommendation they made in the book was for a new independent independent agency, to manage health care. Read the show transcript

ViewPoint: John Harrington Seeks Economic Security from TARP Banks


Late last year, Harrington Investments President John Harrington filed shareholder resolutions at banks that received billions of taxpayer dollars under the Trouble Asset Relief Program.  Congress bailed out the banks because they are essential to the stability of our economy, so the resolutions ask for board committees to oversee US Economic Security.  Ironically, Citigroup and Bank of America have petitioned the SEC for permission to ignore the resolutions.Read the show transcript

Katy Lederer: The Poetry of Fast Money

katylederer[amazon-product align=”right”]1934414158[/amazon-product]In her poetry volume, [amazon-product text=”THE HEAVEN SENT LEAF” type=”text”]1934414158[/amazon-product], Katy Lederer reflects on her work for a Wall Street hedge fund.  While there, she wrote poems that meditate on the spiritual costs that enter into the emotional balance sheet. Sea Change Co-Host Francesca Rheannon opened by asking Katy Lederer what it was like to be a poet while toiling on Wall Street during the biggest speculative bubble in its history–and whether she had had any sense of its impending collapse.

ViewPoint: Jim Motavalli on Cars and Carbon

Jim Motavalli
Jim Motavalli

Jim Motavalli blogs on green matters for The Daily Green and Mother Nature Network and he blogs about cars in the New York Times “Automobiles” section.  He was also a long-time editor for E–the Environmental Magazine, where he continues as a contributing writer. Motavalli combines his passion for autos and environment in his book, [amazon-product text=”FORWARD DRIVE: The Race To Build Clean Cars for the Future” type=”text”]1578050723[/amazon-product]. He thinks its time for the auto industry to wake up and smell the coffee. In his Sea Change ViewPoint commentary, he discusses the significance of President Barack Obama’s executive order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider its refusal to grant California a waiver allowing it to regulate greenhouse gases from cars and trucks.

Read the show transcript

ViewPoint: Francesca Rheannon — A Modest Proposal

francescarheannonSea Change Co-Host Francesca Rheannon has a modest proposal for building demand for energy efficiency: a Home Energy Savings Equal Opportunity Program.Read the show transcript

John Ruggie on Business and Human Rights


The mandate of John Ruggie as the United Nations Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, first extended by the UN Human Rights Council in 2005, was recently extended another three years.  We hear excerpts today from Ruggie’s keynote address earlier this week at the Responsible Investing Forum, which will post the complete talk on its website in the near future.

ViewPoint — Transition Brings Opportunity for Corporate Campaigners

Charlie Cray
Charlie Cray

Charlie Cray of the Center for Corporate Policy gives his take on the opportunities — and dangers — of the transition to the Obama Administration. Read the show transcript