Tag Archives: toxic chemicals

Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging

Jill Stein

What’s behind the rise in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s? Lifetime exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment such as fossil fuel pollution, as it turns out. This according to a new report from the Science and Environmental Health Network and Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility. Today, CWR co-host Francesca Rheannon speaks with the report’s lead author, Jill Stein, who heads the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities. Dr. Stein also ran for governor of the commonwealth in 2002 on the Green-Rainbow ticket, as well as Secretary of State in 2006.

Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities

Report: Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging

Jill Stein

Listen to the complete 40-minute interview with Jill Stein

Joe Romm

CWR Headlines:

Today’s CWR Headlines feature an interview with ClimateProgress blogger Joe Romm of the Center for American Progress.

Bush Deposits a Parting Gift on the Environment’s Doorstep
Democrats Go to the Mat on Control over Energy and Commerce Committee

The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products

Mark  Schapiro
Mark Schapiro
Europe is leaping far ahead of the US in regulating toxic chemicals in products. According to today’s guest, the successes of America’s business community fighting against regulation on the home front may be its downfall in the global economy.  Francesaca Rheannon interviews author Mark Schapiro, author of Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What’s at Stake for American Power.

Book website: Exposed

Mark Schapiro’s “Toxic Toys” article in The Nation

New Investor Network on Toxics in Products

richard-liroffRichard Liroff, Ph.D. talks about a new investor network concerned with reducing unnecessarily toxic chemicals in products. DuPont shareholders broadly support resolution calling for the company to report on options to speed the elimination of PFOA production and use (a chemical used in producing Teflon as well as grease and stain resistant coatings on carpet, textiles and food wraps).

In addition, we hear a live report from Simon Billeness at an Amnesty International protest regarding the role of Yahoo in jailing a Chinese dissident.

More information:


Shareholders Ask Corporations to Do The Right Thing

Andrew-ShalitAnnual shareholder meetings in April and May are a time to press companies to do the right thing on environment and human rights. CWR discusses shareholder fights at DuPont(toxic chemicals), Dow Chemical (Bhopal), Whole Foods (toxics in products), CVS and others.

A report back on a public conversation at the American Bar Association with a Chevron lawyer regarding their potential pollution liabilities in Ecuador. Guests include Julie Gozan of Amalgamated Bank and Andrew Shalit of Green Century Capital Management.

Phasing Out Lawn Chemicals

Just in time for spring – a better way to care for lawns, without using toxic chemicals. Bill Ravanesi, grassroots activist from Longmeadow, Mass, describes his campaign in Longmeadow to prevent the town from using toxic pesticides and herbicides on town property.

Andrew-ShalitAndrew Shalit of Green Century Capital Management, discusses the shareholder resolution to phase out toxic chemical usage that will be voted on at Servicemaster, the parent company of Chemlawn. And Jody Shapiro discusses the broadcast documentary in production, The Truth About Cats, Dogs, and Lawn Chemicals, which she is coproducing with Corporate Watchdog Radio cohost Sanford Lewis.


The Truth About Cats, Dogs, and Lawn Chemicals (video website and trailer)

Refuse to Use Chemlawn

Green Century Funds

Healthy Longmeadow Initiative

2005 Corporate Year in Review

In 2006, Corporate Watchdog Radio will focus on corporate social and environmental responsibility as it plays out in the investment marketplace. We begin the year with a wideranging review of how that theme played out in 2005. CWR reviews the mainstreaming of the socially responsible investment movement, with developments at the United Nations, Goldman Sachs, DuPont, Walmart, SRI backlash movement, body burdens of toxic chemicals, toxics in products at DuPont and other companies, climate risk, corporate governance, state pension funds and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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