Monthly Archives: September 2009

How Everyday Folks World Wide View Climate Change


CimbriaBadenhausenFollowing up on our coverage of World Wide Views on Global Warming in April, Sea Change returns to this event that gathered citizen opinions on climate change in more than 40 meetings around the world that just happened.  Sea Change Correspondent Cimbria Badenhausen attended the meeting at the Museum of Science in Boston.  She and Co-Host Bill Baue also spoke with WWViews representatives worldwide, both before and after the event.

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The Art of Sustainability

Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible; 2009, by artist Carrie Marill
Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible; 2009, by artist Carrie Marill

Heather Lineberry of the Arizona State University Art Museum in Tempe tells us about Defining Sustainability, a new exhibition at the museum. Native American conceptual artist Kade Twist talks about “Do You Remember When”, the installation he and his fellow Indigenous artists of Postcommodity created for the exhibition. Finally, Beth Paulson of Beyond Green describes the proposed permaculture garden for a hundred year old house that’s getting a deep energy retrofit in Easthampton, MA.

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David Korten on The Great Turning: from Empire to Earth Community


FrancescaRheannonSea Change Co-Host Bill Baue speaks with David Korten about his book, The Great Turning.  It describes how current ecological, social, and economic crises create opportunities to transform from a dominator-based to a community-based model for organizing society.  And Co-Host Francesca Rheannon brings us the Sea Change ViewPoint that digs deeper into the controversy behind Van Jones‘ resignation as Special Advisor on Green Jobs for the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

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ViewPoint: Van Jones–First Victim of Far Right Fight Against Climate Policy?


Co-Host Francesca Rheannon brings us the Sea Change ViewPoint that digs deeper into the controversy behind Van Jones‘ resignation as Special Advisor on Green Jobs for the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

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A Summer of Sea Change Radio

Labor Day’s come and gone, and the leaves are starting to turn color here in New England, so we at Sea Change are highlighting some of our summer programming.  We focused a lot on sustainable agriculture, economic alternativesgreen jobs, and the climate crisis.  Check out some of our summer shows below.

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David Korten Asks: a Wall Street Economy Based on Phantom Wealth, or a Main Street Economy Based on Real Wealth?


Sea Change Radio Co-Host Bill Baue speaks with David Korten about his new book, Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth (Why Wall Street Can’t Be Fixed and How to Replace It).

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